The Words of Burns
Neil Macgillivray
“When the Robert Burns Guild of Speakers was being formed a name prominent on the list of those to be invited was Neil Macgillivray. This was to join a very select group of 37 who set high standards in Public Speaking and entertainment. Few can equal Neil as he uses his acting and word skills to bring the words of Burns to life as a professional entertainer. When Neil tells the tales, they unfold with meaning as bright and crisp and powerful as the day they were written over two hundred years ago.” - Murdo Morrison FSA Scot. Honorary President, The Robert Burns World Federation.
"Neil Macgillivray's excellent readings of Robert Burns have been incorporated in our online university courses. He is a gifted and professional voice artiste, as well as a joy with whom to work.” - Professor Gerard Carruthers, co-director of the Centre for Robert Burns Studies, University of Glasgow.
“I have read Tam o’Shanter and heard it performed in the past but tonight you brought it off the page in a way I have never experienced – an absolutely brilliant performance.” - George Galloway, public speaker and politician.
“ Many, many thanks, Neil, for a wonderful and stirring "Immortal Memory'. I received many accolades about you from the members and guests in the room, as I am sure you did too. You really know Burns and your delivery is impressive.” - Peter Lawrie, Robert Burns Society of the City of New York.
“I have never heard better or more faithful renditions of both The Address to a Haggis and Tam O’Shanter. You really made them come alive for us. We are most appreciative of your generosity in giving us of your time and talents.” - Kathy Galloway, Head of Christian Aid Scotland.
"Neil Macgillivray's performance tonight was the most powerful rendition of the works of Burns that I have ever heard. His interpretation of 'Scots Wha Hae' evoked a sense of true understanding of the words and was an expression of defiance and determination that sent a shiver down the spine!" - Mike Edwards, senior reporter Scottish Television.
"We want to thank you for being our guest speaker at the weekend. The response has been fabulous from those who have given their speedy feedback. And we all loved having you." - Elaine Young, Vice Chieftain. Singapore St Andrew's Society
A huge and massive thanks for performing at our Burns Supper last night. In over 40 years of attending Burns Suppers, that must be the finest, most polished rendition of Tam o Shanter I’ve ever seen. - John McKillop, Cambuslang Bowling Club
"Neil, on behalf of the Halifax Burns Club I wish to thank you for being part of our Burns Supper and delivering a stirring immortal memory to Robert Burns. It was an amazing performance that was appreciated by not only our club membership but all in attendance. Worthy of the Navy signal "BRAVO ZULU" - WELL DONE!" - Brent Townsend, President, Halifax Burns Club, Nova Scotia.
Neil Macgillivray gave a very eloquent and informative delivery of the Immortal Memory and a brilliant performance of Tam o’ Shanter—up there with the best! We had great feedback from the guests in appreciation of a successful and memorable evening. - Anthea MacDonald, Luxembourg Burns Supper 2020